Top Facts About Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

1. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are the first NFL cheerleading squad to appear in a feature film.

2. They were the first professional cheerleading squad to hold annual auditions.

3. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are the highest paid pro cheerleaders in the NFL.

4. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have been performing for over 50 years.

5. The iconic white cowgirl outfits were designed by Nancee Williams in 1975.

6. Their signature uniform includes white cowboy boots and a blue-and-white halter top.

7. The original Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders were all women.

8. The team has its own TV show, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making the Team always motivated.

9. The cheerleaders are featured in the movie, Varsity Blues.

10. The cheerleaders must be over 18 years of age

11. They have appeared in numerous magazine spreads and popular films